Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Latest Stats and Award Predictions, Plus Game Awards for Yesterday

"The Sweaty Cheetah" Steven C. is still in the lead in most categories, but Matt "Supercrotch" Kovacik closed the gap after last evenings performance that critics are calling "okay."

Stats (Click for enlarged view)

Awards from yesterday's historic victory over Exide:

First hit since August, 1933 - Lauren "Don Cheadle" Johnston, C. (as folklore tells the story, Johnston murdered opposing second baseman Larry Guff after the hit, citing economical strain.)

Pick of the day: Skip Riso, SS. Ball hit 4000 MPH ends up in Riso's glove, left arm subsequently removed after game. 

Predicted groundout of the day: The Sweaty Cheetah. Accurately predicted Rainbow's groundout to first after being up 3-1 in the count. Won a sausage and pepper sandwich for his efforts.

Hit of the millenium: Matt "Crackhead" Kovacik with a roped triple. Kovacik spotted cleaning shart from his undergarments shortly after arriving at third base. (Alpharetta Tribune)

Best throw into center field: Sweaty Cheetah. Throw struck wild ostrich, Hank. Deceased.

Co-MVPs: Jon Scott and Matt Kovacik - each garnering 4 votes for their efforts.

Arnie the Hippo: N/A

Updated Season MVP Tally (out of 10 votes):

Steven The Sweaty Cheetah:  6 votes
Mandi: 2 votes
Crackhead: 1 vote
Johnston: -15 votes
Rainbow: 1/4 vote, complimentary of the local Taco Mac establishment
Jon Scott: .0008 vote
Arnie the Hippo: 5 votes

Post game notes: Mayor Reed of Atlanta, after phoning GM Skip Riso after the game, has granted a parcel of land in remote Cumming for the Meatballer's new stadium, Meatballer Stadium at Foofah Grounds, to be built and ready for start of next season. Stadium to be constructed on top of cemetary where original founding Meatballer, Bernie Foofah, was laid to rest in late 1951. Foofah'a remains to be exhumed and placed in the left field bleacher as a fan attraction. Foofah's widow, Beatrice, will throw first pitch at pre-season exhibition against Atlanta Braves to be held as inaugural game at Foofah Grounds. Tickets go on sale in February - don't miss it! Free hot dogs for the "kids."

- Meatballer Beat Writer Orville Foo

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