Monday, May 24, 2010

Coach Posts Preseason Awards For Summer '10 Squad


Its that time of year again. The day everyone has been waiting for the entire offseason.

Its time for the Preseason Awards - Summer 2010.

Drum roll please. Ok no drum roll.

Here they are, as voted on by a group of peers (me):

Hitting Champion: Steven "Cant see my wee-wee" Christensen
Gold Glove Award: Meatball (Of Course.)
Most balls thrown in the dirt: TIE - Marc and Meghann
Most walks/hit batsmen: Steven "Dont call my fluffy" Christensen
Roundest Rear End: Shannon Harcourt (Congrats- repeat winner)
Most Likely to @#$$ themselves rounding first - Lauren "Don Cheadle" Johnston
Fattest: Louise Russo
Best Right Field Patrol: Sarah "I like big hairy dudes who fart alot and have swampass" Kovacik
Most likely to be cut: Lauren Johnston
Contract most likely not renewed: Brad "BJ" Kovacik
Team Redneck: Jon Scott (repeat winner)
People most likely to think Im insane: Holly/Jen
Most likely to have intercourse with person of same sex: Steven Christensen
Baldest: Phillip Korn

There may be more preseason awards, but thats all that Ive voted on for now.

Godspeed, people.

- Coach

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