Its that time of year again. The day everyone has been waiting for the entire offseason.
Its time for the Preseason Awards - Summer 2010.
Drum roll please. Ok no drum roll.
Here they are, as voted on by a group of peers (me):
Hitting Champion: Steven "Cant see my wee-wee" Christensen
Gold Glove Award: Meatball (Of Course.)
Most balls thrown in the dirt: TIE - Marc and Meghann
Most walks/hit batsmen: Steven "Dont call my fluffy" Christensen
Roundest Rear End: Shannon Harcourt (Congrats- repeat winner)
Most Likely to @#$$ themselves rounding first - Lauren "Don Cheadle" Johnston
Fattest: Louise Russo
Best Right Field Patrol: Sarah "I like big hairy dudes who fart alot and have swampass" Kovacik
Most likely to be cut: Lauren Johnston
Contract most likely not renewed: Brad "BJ" Kovacik
Team Redneck: Jon Scott (repeat winner)
People most likely to think Im insane: Holly/Jen
Most likely to have intercourse with person of same sex: Steven Christensen
Baldest: Phillip Korn
There may be more preseason awards, but thats all that Ive voted on for now.
Godspeed, people.
- Coach
You guys stink